PSB1 Genesis 3 (Pre-History) and Mark 1:14-28
- What
- PSB1 Genesis 3 (Pre-History) and Mark 1:14-28
- When
- 8/25/2024
Pit Stop Bible (YB) is a daily Bible reading plan for Glendale disciples who want to read a little less, but follow the Bible reading plan for the school. Instead of reading the whole Bible, Pit Stop Bible will read one or two key passages from the larger reading for that day.
A high school student could likely read or listen to the text in 3-10 minutes each day depending on their reading speed.
In addition to the verse references, you'll notice each day's reading has a title in parentheses. This title refers to the era of biblical history in which the events occur. Except for the readings from Psalms and Proverbs (most Psalms and Proverbs come from the 4th era), readings from the Old Testament come from this era. The New Testament readings all come from the 7th era, Jesus & the Church, so they are not marked.
1 Before 1950 BC Pre-history
2 1950-1450 BC Patriarchal Families
3 1450-1050 BC God-picked Leaders
4 1050-600 BC King-led Kingdom(s)
5 600-450 BC Babylonian/Persian Rule
6 450-0 Intertestamental Period
7 0-100 AD Jesus & the Church