Giving » Thank you for supporting GAA!

Thank you for supporting GAA!

Here are four great ways to support the school:
1. Donate
Donations are one of the best ways to support the school as they provide resources for longterm improvements, investment in student life, and support to families. See below for all the ways to donate.
2. Pray
We believe prayer changes us and the world. We have a community time of prayer at the beginning of each semester. Whether you join us for our special times of prayer, pray for families or staff you know, or simply pray for safety and God's leading on the campus, we appreciate it tremendously.
3. Volunteer
Join parents, alumni, former staff, and local church members and pastors with your time and skill. All our volunteers must go through our volunteer intake process. Contact the office to learn more.
4. Substitute Teach
Whether a teacher gets sick or is taken away for continuing education or student club sponsorship responsibilities, having loving and thoughtful substitute teachers available to serve. Substitute teachers must go through an intake process and hold a Bachelor's degree of some kind. Contact the office to learn more.
We are also accepting donations in cash, check, and credit card through the administrative office. Call, email, or visit to arrange a donation. All gifts are tax deductible.


(818) 244-8671

[email protected]

700 Kimlin Dr.

Glendale, CA 91206


The photo carousel below shows just a few of the projects here at GAA we are working toward. You can learn more about these and other projects by clicking on the headings to the right (desktop) or below (mobile).


Include the headings below in your note to give to one of these areas of particular current need:
  • "Wherever needed" Unexpected costs and areas of unique need are common for a school. Giving here allows the administration to use the funds to address whatever area needs them most.
  • "Worthy Student Fund" Your gifts to this account make a high quality Christian education attainable for many excellent students here at GAA.
  • "Cameras" The elementary is raising $20,000 to acquire a camera system to provide additional safety on campus. Both parents and teachers have identified this as a pressing need.
  • "Fence" For sometime we have wanted to build a fence around our campus to provide an even safer environment for our students.

Thank you for partnering with us to make a dream come true that began in 1907. A small group committed to excellent Christian education founded our school. Since then, each dollar given to enhance our facilities, enrich academic programs, and provide crucial scholarships has been an investment in that legacy. We are proud to carry it on with you.


Thank you!